The weather was pretty bad early in the day, rainy, cold, dark. Then the sun came out. It didn't warm up much, but it was a beautiful afternoon. I have just appointed myself weatherman for Champions Gate. Although, I don't forecast, I just report and you decide.
If you look closely you can see some kids at the plaza - skate boarders. They looked like they were having fun. I didn't see any girls over there though, just boys. What fun is that?
Remember being a kid and hanging out in the neighborhood? I do. I liked playing spin the bottle. I was always so lucky - the bottle always pointed to the prettiest girl, and I always got a nice kiss! Her name was Joyce. And, believe it or not, she was a redhead.
I think you needing something like... a redhead skater?
About the weather my decision is: awesome weather!
I looks like nice weather. the sun is shining--warm or not--the sun is shining.
Are you just a story teller--good ol redheaded Joyce. Yep! MB
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