Wednesday, November 26, 2008

#18 - Looks Like A Giant Clock Tower

That's Walgreens in the background on the left. Looked so big earlier in the week, didn't it? LOL

The sign at the base of the clock reads: No Skateboards Rollerblades Bicycles Allowed. It doesn't work. The edges of all of the fountains are marked by skateboards sliding across them. Rollerblades, I don't know, maybe they leave black marks on the pavement. But bicycles? Why not?

Of course, Champions Gate isn't really bicycle friendly anyway, unless you use the sidewalks, and I don't think that's allowed either. When I first moved to Florida I was riding my bicycle down the sidewalk and a cop told me it was illegal. "Get in the street," he said. As soon as he wasn't looking, I got back on the sidewalk.

So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.

~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Small City Scenes said...

Perception is amazing. That is quite a tower.


Anonymous said...

I want to ride my bicycle!!!!!!!!

Looks big big!!

Happy Thanksgiving!